Thursday, September 30, 2010

From little boy... to big boy...

Well, I haven't posted a blog for a whole month..!
I don't know why, but maybe I just haven't had anything interesting to talk about =)
Nieko had his first haircut, and I thought that would be a fun thing to share with you all.
On Tuesday he turned exactly 15 months. Rudi and I decided it was time for a haircut. Rudi is very good at it, he cut his hair in like less than 15 minutes! Tys thought it was pretty cool and brought Nieko toys to keep him distracted. Anyways, now our little Nieko does not look like a baby anymore...! See for yourselves...

some "before" pics.

itchy nose

thumbs up!

Tys liked it too, and wanted to be in the picture too.

Rudi made some extreme spikes!

This is gonna go in the scrapbook...