Friday, September 12, 2008

Tys is learning every day!

Hi everybody!

Tys is learning so much!
He started rolling over from back to belly and back!!!
He spends more time on his belly now, he's having a lot of fun doing that!
Also he's learning how to sit up still! He's getting better at it. I use my boppy pillow to support him, that works really well.
I've been feeding him some fruit and cereal, and he loves it! He sleeps for 12 hours during the night, from 8 to 8!
Rudi and me are doing well also, Rudi's just been busy on the dairy. I still help him every now and then. It's fun working together, and Tys comes with us in the stroller, and he loves being outside, looking at the cows!
It's been nice and warm here, but it's starting to get cooler a little bit every day which is nice. the mornings and nights are nice and cool. During the day it's still around 80. We haven't had rain for a long long time! I don't even remember the last time it rained!
The corn is getting nice and tall! and the new freestall barn is getting close to done!
Here are some pictures of Tys. I'll try to put some pictures of the dairy on next time!

Oh, if you want to check out the other De Winkle - sites, here are the addresses;

Dirk, Molly and Arie;

Cory and Katie;

Justin and Siska have a MySpace, I don't know the address though. Maybe you can google it...

Tys and Rudi on the couch


Tys and me

Gideon and Tys. Tys likes Gideon's pacifier a lot!!! He tries to grab it all the time!


1 comment:

Molly Joy said...

thanks for posting. I love the pictures---Tys is looking so old! What a sweetie!