Thursday, February 24, 2011

Just some pictures!

We took the side off of Tys' crib and he's doing great. He started climbing out of his crib, so we thought this was a little safer option :-)
He's made one visit to our bedroom in the middle of the night so far, but other than that, he stays in his bed. How's the potty training going? It's not..! But it's ok. I'm patient with it and waiting for him to be ready for it.

Dinner time~ after dinner Rudi reads them out of the Dutch children's bible. They love it!

I'm 28 weeks today and officially in the third trimester! Yesterday I got to take another look in-utero at our beautiful little miracle. The Dr. thinks he/she looks like Tys! And no- I was not tempted at all to find out if it's a he or a she! But I am curious :-)

That's it for now!

1 comment:

Lisa Haveman said...

cute boy's bedroom! So bright and cheerful!