Friday, October 10, 2008

A new car!!!

We bought a new (used) car!!!

It's a 2004 Ford Expedition Eddie Bauer!
We had been looking for a new car for a while, since my jeep was getting pretty old, it was a 1996!
It's a very nice car. All kinds of extra stuff. DVD player and a back up camera, seat heaters and AC for the seats.. It's very nice and we're very happy with it!
Here are some pictures...

The new car and the old Jeep...

Putting the plates on...

As you can see, Tys is quite pleased with the new car and all the space he has now!!

That's the big news of this week...
It's getting supercold here. I think it was freezing last night and I just saw on the news that there was SNOW in Boise!!! Crazy!!
last week the temperatures were still in the 80's!

Tys weighed 18lbs, 10 oz. at his 6 month check up.
He's doing very well, still rolling over both ways. Other than that there's not much progress, he's almost sitting up by himself, we just need to practice a little more...

I hope you all have a great weekend!

Next time I will try to put some pictures of the dairy and The De Winkles new house on our blog!!



Luanne said...

hi all! nice ride! can't wait to see pics of the new house! we went to TX this weekend and have stories and pictures up on our blog. could you show Tina?

alie said...

Anne, does the new car has a cup-holder? We hope so!
Big hug!