Friday, April 23, 2010

Having fun in Holland!

We're having a great time!
Tys and Nieko are getting used to all the family members it seems.
Here are some fun pictures
My niece Sanne feeding Nieko

My sister Elbrich, holding Nieko

My oldest niece, Marije and oldest nephew, Mike

Tys got to go on his first bike ride! He wasn't to sure at first, but now he loves it!

Marije and Sanne (sisters)

Me and all my sisters and nieces and nephews!

The "2009-babies" with their moms!

Rixt ~ Teake ~ Niek ~ Sarah ~ Nieko
(the "2009-babies")

Nicky and Sanne (nieces)

Dirk and Tys are the same age!

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